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(English) Best Practices

Telecommunication supporting the healthcare services

Source: www.semic.es


IT Medicine Social Commitment

From which SME is it?

10 offices in Spain and Andora


Years of implementation
41 years



Semic is a global provider of IT solutions and services with more than 40 years in the Spanish market. They help private companies and public administrations to take advantage of new technologies to improve their competitiveness.

SEMIC is specialised in two main areas:

  • Health and safety
  • Education


SEMIC is relevant for ESG-UP on 2 aspects: the internal policy of the company and its commitment with sustainability, but also the promotion of sustainable solution in the IT products developed.

For instance: it makes mobile telemedicine equipment, also known as a telemedicine cart, available to health centers: a piece of equipment capable of transporting medical devices that offers the possibility of carrying out an examination or diagnosis wherever the patient is; also prepared with a system to communicate via video call with standard platforms such as Teams or Zoom, among others. The telemedicine trolley is designed to be moved and brought closer to the patient quickly and effortlessly, allowing it to be lifted and rotated with just one finger. The system allows instant start simply by plugging into the mains, while allowing the possibility of including a battery power system. This innovative solution presents numerous advantages for the health professional, highlighting above all the reduction of the environmental impact by avoiding the transport and mobilization or transfer of patients. This project is in line with Goal 9.4.: By 2030, modernize infrastructure and convert industries to make them sustainable, using resources more efficiently and promoting the adoption of clean and environmentally sound industrial technologies and processes, and achieving that all countries take action according to their respective capabilities. Another of its most notable features that the telemedicine cart presents is the removable head design, which is a true revolution in telemedicine: the doctor can not only make use of the motorized PTZ functionality with remote control, but the medical assistant can also remove the camera from the base and provide the clinician with a clear view of any hard-to-see areas of interest.

Among other action, we can hightlight:

  • Sustainable purchasing
  • Development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • Launch actions and internal communication campaigns to disseminate and raise awareness about the environment.
  • their offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Lleida, Manresa and Seville consume only 100% Green Energy from exclusively renewable sources.
  • They have an energy saving and responsible consumption plan for air conditioning in all our offices and facilities.
  • They commit to the sustainability plans of partners that promote stewardship of the environment, such as the HP Amplify Impact Changemaker Program.

They renew our fleet of vehicles for less polluting models.

Concepts addressed within ESG
  • Sustainable transport
  • Agile management
  • Education
  • Health

Impact & Achieved Results

SEMIC is a Carbon Neutral Company since 2020. They combat CO2 by obtaining the MITECO seal, the Carbon Footprint Registry of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

This makes SEMIC, for 3 years, a Zero Carbon Company, that is, an organization that calculates its impact in tons of CO2 equivalent and that has offset them, balancing the balance between the CO2 it generates and the one it reduces.


SEMIC has the ISO 14001 certificate in Environmental Management since 2013.

Since 2022 they have the BS 8887-220:2010 certification "Design for the manufacture, assembly, disassembly and treatment of the useful life of the devices" which guarantees that their printing devices are in perfect conditions of use, with a standard of quality comparable to a new product.

It is also certified in CSR (Adok).


El economista (2021) Econocom adquiere el 51% de Semic y pasa a facturar más de 350 milliones al año https://www.eleconomista.es/tecnologia/noticias/11840444/06/22/Econocom-adquiere-el-51-de-Semic-y-pasa-a-facturar-mas-de-350-millones-al-ano.html